An Offering Brochure With Photos & Maps Will Be Available Soon For Download.
Calls Are Welcome at 801-419-9932 or 801-560-4259.


Elk Springs Pasture in Southeastern Idaho.  It is a beautiful high mountain summer pasture.  Its 1,442 acres stretch across broad grass lands over gently rolling hills.  It has historically been a part of the Red Rock Ranch’s summer operations but is now being offered separately as a summer pasture and/or recreation destination.  


Fully fenced, it has the capacity to comfortably carry 200 to 225 head of cattle each summer.    The pasture also includes an adjacent state lease for 32 AUMs each year.


The Elk Springs pasture is also a very desirable recreation destination.  It is easily accessible.  The gentle terrain is ideal for summer recreation such as hiking, mountain biking, horse riding or ATV adventures.  In the winter, snowmobiling is outstanding.


Mule deer and a strong elk herd pasture on the property annually providing world class hunting opportunities.





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VIEW / DOWNLOAD a PDF topography map of the Elk Springs Pasture in southeastern Idaho.